Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby Bump, 10 Weeks

When I was pregnant with Katie, I had nothing to show at 10 weeks. This time around? Yeah...that's about how big I was at 4 months with Katie. I'm one of the few people (maybe it's because I'm just 20?) who gets all excited about showing, so I don't mind a bit!

And as a side, I have not gained any weight during the pregnancy yet, so it really IS a baby bump...not a Mary-Jo-is-getting-fat-and-blaming-the-baby bump. ;)


  1. You look wonderful, Mrs. Mary Jo! :)

  2. Aww!! There's my daughter, and grandbaby too:0) God Bless You. Love you so much. Mom

  3. Sure like your blog. Wow...only 20. You seem so wise and grounded at 20 - you could teach so many others a great deal. Congrats sweetie, to you and your family.

    -a 34 yr old :0)

  4. wow you're only 20? I guess your blog posts seem... mature. And that's good! Im 26 and have been married for 2 years and we are at a point where we have a nice life routine. But that's without children! What a blessing to have 2 :)
