Friday, August 13, 2010

Living Christianity Before our Children

Lately, I have become increasingly aware of Katie's sweet blue eyes watching my every move oh-so-carefully. As a severely imperfect person, it can be overwhelming to think that even now, my daughter is looking up to me as her example of how she ought to behave.

Sometimes it can be satisfying, like when she figures out how to help mama empty the dishwasher or pick up toys after watching me do it a handful of times. One day last week, though, I displayed horrendous behavior in front of Katie. I got really upset at Ben about something (can't even remember what it was now--obviously it was really important. Not!) and argued with him in front of Katie (it was more of a one-sided argument, though, as he didn't lose his cool). No sooner had I finished my outburst than I looked down at Katie, who was giggling and obviously thought we were playing (oh, to be as wonderful as she thinks I am!). She laughed as she imitated my tone and actions almost to a tee.

I never claim to have it all together, but watching my daughter imitate me at one of my worst moments was incredibly humbling and thought provoking. While my yelling at Ben is not my everyday behavior, that occurrence has caused me to contemplate my everyday actions many times over.

Am I modeling before my daughter the life of the godly wife, mother, and homemaker I pray she one day becomes? What an awesome responsibility motherhood is--to devote our lives to raising up the next generation of Christ-followers! May God give all of us the grace to not just teach Christianity to our children with our words, but to daily live it out before them.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl, totally identify with you. i was talking to my husband pretty intensely the other night when my daughter said, "mama that's not nice to talk to daddy that way." it got me quiet real quick!
