Friday, May 13, 2011

All I ever wanted...

My people--oh, how I love them!
Since I was 15 years old, all I wanted in life was to be Ben Murch's wife, have babies (hopefully lots!), and raise them up for the glory of God. When I'm tempted to complain about long days and sleepless nights, endless messes, and fussy babes, I often step back and remind myself that, by the grace of God, this life I have is all I ever wanted. I spent years dreaming of and longing for the life I have right now.

While it may not be glamorous or applauded by the world, I'm living my dream. And I am a blessed woman indeed.

This post is linked to Finer Things Friday.


  1. I *love* this post! =) I never realized this was my dream until... Well, until Jesus told me it was. Lol

  2. great post! simple yet powerful. We all can get caught up in the day to day tasks and forget what a blessing it is to be able to live out the role we made to have!

  3. I love your post. As a 50+ wife and mom, I spent many years working away from home. There are many things that I missed that I can never get back. I wish I could make other young moms understand that they really NEED to be home with their babies. Now I'm needed at home to care for my Mother-in-law. Hopefully, I can soon stop paying a sitter and stay home with her.
