Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tropical Traditions Coconut Flour {Review & Giveaway!}

I have been trying to get us a little less dependent on grains lately. Not that we are going grain-free by any stretch, but I just think it's good to have a variety of foods and not eat grains for every meal all the time. And, at our house, if there's one meal of the day that's heavy on grains, it's breakfast. So, I've been trying to change up our breakfast a bit by using potatoes and/or apples as alternatives to grain side dishes (fried apples, hash browns, etc.). When I heard about Tropical Traditions Coconut Flour, I was intrigued. When they offered to let me try some, I jumped on the opportunity, and I'm so glad I did!

Since receiving my coconut flour in the mail, I have made a few dozen coconut flour muffins, and used it for added protein in our fruit and yogurt smoothies. Coconut flour muffins do have a different texture than regular, whole grain muffins--but Katie and I love them (Ben still prefers wheat muffins)! The coconut flavor is surprisingly not overpowering, adding a really nice flavor. And, in the smoothies, you really can't taste it (the texture is very fine), but it definitely helps a smoothie stick to your ribs a little longer. I add 2 tablespoons when I mix up a meal-sized smoothie for all three of us. Eventually, I'm hoping to try out some of the coconut flour recipes Tropical Traditions has on their site.

Coconut flour has several health benefits, too. It is very high in protein and fiber, and for those with gluten sensitivities, it is naturally gluten free! This week, the coconut flour is on sale at Tropical Traditions. At first glance it may seem sort of pricey compared to wheat flour, but you only use 1/2 cup to make a dozen muffins--about 1/4 the amount of wheat flour used for the same dozen muffins. So, I don't think it works out to being all that much more expensive to use--especially if you watch for sales!

Tropical Traditions has offered to give one 2.2lb. bag of their organic coconut flour to one of you! This giveaway will be open until next Wednesday (June 22). To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. :)

For bonus entries, subscribe to the Tropical Traditions newsletter, and/or subscribe to the Covenant Homemaking RSS Feed. Also feel free to promote this giveaway on facebook or twitter. Just leave a separate comment for each entry.

Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

This post is linked to Things I Love Thursday.


  1. I have never heard of coconut flour, and would love to be able to try it! Thank you for the opportunity!

    Many Blessings,

  2. Coconut flour would definitely be interesting to try!

  3. And I have already subscribed to your blog -- does that count for anything!?

  4. I'd love to enter... I'm intrigued by the muffin idea!

  5. Oooo. Pick me! :) I wanna tryyyy

  6. I'm suscribed to Tropical Traditions. :)

  7. bahaha. I accidentally shared it on Caleb's FB. Does that get me an extra entry? lol

  8. I also subscribe to the feed!

  9. I would love to win! Thanks!

  10. would love to win !
    nclaudia 25 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  11. I Signed up for Tropical Traditions Newsletter
    nclaudia 25 (at) yahoo (dot) com


