Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My home management system, Pt. 1: the Daily Docket

As I've mentioned in the past, home management (as in, keeping the house clean) has been a struggle for me since we got married. I've tried every cleaning schedule in the book and have always ended up falling behind and living in a messy house. The past several weeks I feel like I've finally found a system that works well for me (for now!). I've been using three great (affordable!) resources, so I wanted to take a few posts to share them with y'all in hopes that you'll find them as helpful as I have.

 The first is the Daily Docket form found here, from Money Saving Mom. I use the one that's already filled in, though there is a customizable form you can use as well. On Saturdays, I print out six of these to use Monday through Saturday the following week.

It has a place for my daily to-do list, blogging stuff, meals for the day, and a pre-written daily chores list as well as a place to check off whether I've exercised and read my Bible. I stick a page on the fridge every morning, and I find it very motivating and useful. And, since Crystal is in a somewhat similar season of life (staying home with littles--though she has three and two of them are older than mine!) the daily chores she has on it are pretty close to what I need to do every day to keep things running smoothly. Plus, they are divided into what time of day they need to be done, which I find helpful as well.

There's just something about having a pretty list to check off--and the fact that it's pre-written motivates me to do things I might not get around to even if they should be done.  I also love having everything I need to do for the day written on one sheet of paper. It's much better for me to stay organized when I don't have a different page for everything. Using this Daily Docket has really been a lifesaver for me.

I'd love to know what y'all do to keep yourselves and your homes organized! Please share in the comments. :)

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I use the Daily Docket too! :D It keeps me going and it's such a great place to keep my thoughts organized throughout the day. I use the personalized one because we do a little bit of a different routine. :) Keep working Mama! :D It's all about being able to be flexible with the kiddos and you totally rock at that! :D
