Monday, September 26, 2011

Menu Plan, September 26-October 2

Apple Baked Oatmeal--a favorite in our house!

I'm saving up for a meat purchase next week, so we're going to be mostly eating from the pantry this week. I also borrowed a canner from a friend, and I'm planning to make up a bunch of applesauce with some of the apples we have left from the two bushels I bought earlier this month.

Here's what I've got planned.

Apple baked oatmeal (soaked)
Huevos Rancheros, black beans
Applesauce bread, scrambled eggs

Snack-y lunch
Smoothies (Peanut Butter or yogurt/fruit)


Potato soup
Rice and bean burritos with cheese, salsa, lettuce, sour cream
Salmon patties, baked potatoes, salad
High protein alfredo sauce, pasta, salad

What are y'all fixing this week? Please feel free to share in the comments. I'm always keeping an eye out for tasty new recipes!

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1 comment:

  1. Salmon patties! I have not had those since I was a kid, and remember how much I loved them. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to have to put those on my menu next week.
