Friday, May 4, 2012

Pregnancy Update, 17 Weeks

I'm amazed that I'm already 17 weeks along with Baby #3! In my experience, pregnancy goes faster each time (perhaps because I'm a bit busier each time than you were the time before!).

I have been so thankful to have felt really well this pregnancy, even compared to both of my other two. I had some minor nausea and cravings/aversions during my first trimester but they have all subsided. Though I was a tad bit more tired than usual, most days I didn't sleep in or take a nap and did just fine (though I definitely had my off days). This was quite the contrast from my first two pregnancies, when I had to sleep at least 9-10 hours at night during my first trimester and needed naps most days.

I don't know if this is related to our ever-improving diet plus the fact that (for the first time), I was consistently exercising before getting pregnant and have continued working out several times a week from the very start of the pregnancy. But, I know those things certainly haven't hurt and I'm thankful to God for such a kind providence!

This is The Bump and I on Wednesday, at exactly 17 weeks. I think I look a lot smaller than I did last go around (here's a picture at 10 weeks) but I think it's probably because I weigh so much less than I did last time and I was able to work my core more in between pregnancies.

I've gained seven pounds so far. At 17 weeks with Benjamin, I was only up one pound, but at 15 weeks I had gained five and then lost it all in a nasty stomach bug. With Katie, I had gained 13 pounds by the time I was 16 weeks.

We've had three check-ups with our midwife so far and everything has looked great. All my labs came back fine and Baby's heartbeat has been strong (between 150 and 180). I've also been going to my chiropractor every two weeks, which has helped my back and hips tremendously.

I felt my first definite baby kick on April 23 at 15 weeks, 5 days. It was sooner than I've ever felt movement before, and oh-so-sweet! I'm feeling movement at least a couple times per day now. It really is so incredible to feel a person kicking around in your belly, and I am so thankful for every day with this precious babe as my constant companion.

We have our next midwife appointment in a week and a half, and then on May 25 we have our big 20 week ultrasound scheduled! I'm really excited to see our baby. In addition to making sure Baby is developing well, we're hoping to catch a glimpse of the gender. Unlike my last two pregnancies, I have absolutely no "hunches" this time around (I was right the first two times), so it will be really fun to find out! We have tossed around some names but we haven't decided on a name for either gender yet.

I can't believe the halfway point in this pregnancy is only three weeks away (technically--though given my record of going overdue it's probably more like three and a half weeks away. ha!). I'm so thankful to the Lord for a third healthy pregnancy. His grace toward me is so incredibly abundant, and far beyond what I could've ever dreamed of.

How are you other pregnant mamas doing? I'd love to hear in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! So happy to hear everything is going well!
    You look great!! Can't wait to meet the new addition!
