Friday, June 15, 2012

Home Management: Simplified and Streamlined, Intro


During this unique season of life mothering only littles, I constantly have to strive towards simplifying to keep our household running smoothly.  Being pregnant and keeping up with the constant needs of a growing family is a lot of work!

Since our new little man's due date is less than four months away (!), I feel the need to really closely examine each aspect of my home management and find ways to simplify and streamline even more so the arrival of the new baby can be as peaceful as possible. With three children, 3 and under, I know things will be crazy for a while; I'm just hoping it'll be a little less crazy if I put in some extra effort before this little guy joins us on the outside.

I'll be joining with Rachel of Intentionally Simple over the next few months as we both seek to simplify and streamline operations in our homes. Rachel has two children, a two year-old and a six month-old and is feeling ready to get back into a routine now that things have settled down with their newest addition!

Throughout the series, we're planning to cover time management, decluttering, cleaning routines, and streamlining in the kitchen.

Each week, Rachel and I will be doing a project in our homes. On Fridays we'll post the results of our project and discuss what our next project will be.

Week 1 Project:

Our first project is going to be to track how we use our time all week next week. I think this will be a great way to see what things we need to cut and where we need to streamline--and what things we want to spend more time on. Kind of like tracking your spending before setting up a budget, it's just a good place to start.

Be sure to head over to Rachel's post for this week to read more about her goals and motivations as we simplify and streamline together.

Anyone who wants to is welcome to join us in the comments. If you blog along with us, please leave a link so we can encourage each other! We'll be back next Friday with our results and the next project.


  1. This is great! I'll do my best to join you both! :) It's perfect timing as I've been reading the book: Organized Simplicity and this go hand in hand with it! Blessings to you...

  2. It would be lovely to have you join us! I hope you're able to. :)

    I loved the book Organized Simplicity. Such a great read!
