Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti

I'm sure by now, you have all heard about the disastrous earthquake in Haiti on January 12. Watching the news and seeing the devastation has been absolutely heartbreaking. The latest reports have the estimated death toll at around 50,000. I cannot even begin to fathom what the survivors are going through. We are so very blessed. My very biggest worries and concerns pale in comparison to what these people are facing right now. While I sit comfortably wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, warm and cozy with a refrigerator (and pantry!) full of  food and my baby asleep in the next room, they are sleeping outside on the ground, wondering where their next meal will come from, wondering if their mothers/fathers/husbands/wives/sons/daughters are alive, wondering if their wounds will cause an infection to spread through their body before they can get medical care. This is serious stuff.

In an effort to help, I am joining the blogging community in a "Help for Haiti" drive, headed up by Crystal at Money Saving Mom. I want to encourage my readers to do something to help these people who are suffering so much right now. If you want to help, do something, post about it, and come back here and link up. Many other bloggers are doing something similar, so be sure to check out Money Saving Mom's list of those participating so you can link up a their sites, too! For each of you who participates between now and January 21, 2010, up to 120 people, my husband and I will be donating $0.25 to Compassion International's Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief. Compassion is a trustworthy, Christian organization. They will be meeting the Haitian people's physical needs as well as bringing them the hope of the glorious gospel of Christ. If you are interested in making a monetary contribution to help the people in Haiti, I would highly encourage you to consider going through them.

Perhaps you aren't in a position to give money, but you still want to help. Here are some ideas:
  • Pray. The Haitian people need to be lifted up in prayer. Pray for comfort, for provision, and for God to be glorified.
  • Jessica at Reflections of a Princess shares how you can help Haitian orphans get home to their American adoptive parents quicker here.
  • If you are in KS, Numana is looking for volunteers to package food today and tomorrow to be sent to Haiti. All you have to do is show up. You don't need to call ahead. For more information, go to their website.
  • Contact your local Red Cross to find out about donating goods or time.
If you have any other suggestions, please comment and I will add them to this post. Let's glorify Christ together by helping these people in their hour of greatest need.

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  1. We're giving to Compassion International. I've also heard good things about Cure, so we'll be looking into that. Thanks for doing this!

  2. Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
    Our church also took and sent contributions in and we bough tickets on Hope for Haiti.
    My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!

  3. I am donating to the red cross and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints humanitarian aid. I am also posting a comment on all the blogs that are donating. Most importantly we will be praying for the people of Haiti. Thanks

  4. Thank you for doing this. My husband and I donated through Samaritan's Purse. And now I'm clicking to comment on every site I can...every little bit helps!

  5. God Bless Your Efforts!

    We have meager amounts to give but are hoping that God multiplies them in his way!

  6. We are tight this month on our budget but we donated $10 to the American Red Cross for specifically the Haiti rescue and recovery effort. What a wonderful thing you are doing by networking and willngness to match the rest of us donating! Thank you!

  7. Thank you for doing this! I hope to give financially after hubby and I have had a chance to discuss it.

  8. I am giving through Red Cross. What you are doing is awesome! God Bless you

  9. My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
    I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.

  10. I decided to donate to 'Doctors without Borders.' Thanks for all you are doing!!

  11. My husband and I are donating to Compassion International. Thank you for doing this!

  12. I'm giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!

  13. My family donated to Samaritan's Purse and Compassion International.

  14. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I pray for all those in Haiti.
