Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Covenant Farm Puppies

My in-laws breed labs at their farm down the road from us. There are few things as cute as a little lab pup, in my book!

Ben took this picture of some of the puppies at my in-laws' farm a couple weekends ago when we got a huge snow. I thought it was absolutely adorable. I, personally, prefer snuggling up inside, but they seemed pretty happy to spend the day in their igloo.

 This sweet litter was born early yesterday morning. Their parents are Rob Roy & Annie, two of my favorite dogs on the farm.

This post is linked to Wordless Wednesday and Wordful Wednesday.


  1. Oh. My. GOodness! I'm in love. I have two chocolate labs and my female, Birdie just turned one, we're going to have puppies the next time she's able and I'm so ready!!! Can I come live at the puppy farm?!

  2. I have been searching all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Google.

    Thank you!

    [url=]top notch[/url]

  3. Awwww, they're so cute! Thank you for sharing the ADORABLE photographs! :)

    Many Blessings,

  4. Oh wow!! They're just so itty bitty and cute! I grew up with a Lab and he was the best dog ever. Love them!

  5. Aww! Sha, they're so cute. (Sha means dear, cute) it's kind a French Cajun word.
    I just l love puppies, especially Labs.


  6. Those are fabulous pics. That snow one is adorable. Time to put it on a Hallmark card.
