Saturday, March 6, 2010

Super Savings Saturday: Kroger, CVS, and Macy's

I was able to get some pretty good deal this week. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a picture because my camera was at my in-laws' house, so you'll just have to picture some lovely deals in your mind's eye.

Mom and I went to Macy's on Monday and found they had a bunch of racks for 70% off. I found a really nice sweater, and was planning for it to cost about $12, but it rang up for $5! It was originally $30. Apparently it was 70% off the sale price instead of 70% off the original price.

I went to Kroger today and spent $50 and saved $14.29. It's not the highest percentage, but I was happy with what I got for that price. It also includes a $2 deposit for a glass milk jug. We've started buying non-homogenized milk from a local dairy. When we finish the milk, I'll just return the jug and get my $2 back.

-organic whole wheat bread for $1.49/loaf
-$0.99 for a package of Pampers Sensitive wipes. I combined a sale with a $0.50 coupon (which doubled at Kroger)
-$0.99 for a pack of batteries (also combined sale with a doubled coupon)
-$1 for a pound of ground chicken. It was reduced for quick sale.
-$0.50 for a package of Chex Mix (a treat for hubby, since I'm trying to shed some pounds)
-organic apples for $0.69/lb

At CVS, I did two transactions. I needed to get another deodorant and another tooth paste in order to get $5 more ECBs (wasn't thinking right--when I put my list together, I was thinking I'd get half the ECBs if I got one item instead of two). Despite that, I'm still decently pleased with how it went.

Transaction 1:
  • Speed Stick Deodorant-$2.25 w/ coupon
  • Colgate Tooth Paste -$2.00 w/ coupon
  • Gain Detergent-$5.49 w/ coupon (got $2 ECBs)
  • Irish Springs body/hair wash-$3.99 w/coupon (got $4 ECBs)
  • Schick Titanium Razor-$9.99 (will be FREE after mail-in rebate)
Transaction 2 (used $6 ECBs from Transaction 1, so I only paid $2.49 out of pocket)
  • Quilted Northern 12 Roll Pack TP-$5.49 w/ coupon
  • Finish Dishwasher Detergent-$3.00 w/ coupon
If I am near CVS before the sale is over, I'll go ahead and get another tooth paste and deodorant to get those $5 ECBs.

Did you get any good deals this week?

This post is linked to Super Savings Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Publix had a sale today and tomorrow on all Kelloggs cereals - 50% off. I bought two boxes of All Bran Cereal to make bran muffins. I also bought four (8) oz bags of Kraft schredded cheese for $1.67 a bag. I used two $2.00 coupons for an additional $4.00 off of the four bags-- for a grand total of $2.68 for 4 bags of shredded Kraft cheese. Those were some of my better purchases. Publix has weekly BOGO sales (Buy one Get One Free). With coupons, makes the BOGO sales even better:)
