Monday, October 11, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

So, I'm still in Florida and it isn't very autumny here yet, but I thought it was time to change my menu plan banner of choice anyway. Afterall, it's nearly mid-October! Katie and I will be flying home Friday morning, and I am so ready to see my hubby! I don't really have a great idea of what's waiting in the fridge and pantry for me when I get home, but Mom and I did sit down together last night and plan out meals to fix together the rest of the time I'm here.

Breakfasts: scrambled eggs with sausage and toast, cold cereal
Lunches: hot dogs (all natural, nitrate free, etc) with fruit, leftovers, ravioli with steamed veggies

Moday~curried beef with brown rice, steamed green beans
Tuesday~white chili
Wednesday~lasagna, salad
Thursday~Mom's beef stew

What are y'all fixing this week? For lots of menu plan inspiration, be sure to visit OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Your menu looks yummy!Our weather has been unseasonably warm here. I too am ready for fall. Hopefully the temps will cool soon and I will feel like making soup. Have a good week!
