Friday, March 4, 2011

I can't do it on my own

Thank you all so much for your patience during my recent 'hiatus.' I really just needed to step back for a bit and refocus.

Last week, I woke up Monday morning ready to tackle everything. I pushed myself and the house stayed quite clean all week, I was able to work while the children's naps overlapped, and I was totally exhausted (and grumpy) at the end of every day with an achy back. By late Saturday morning, I was sick in bed with a (really painful!) breast infection, complete with a fever. Then I had to stay home from church Sunday because it was so painful when Benjamin latched on. I spent the weekend in bed nursing Benjamin and taking Vitamin C and raw garlic trying to avoid antibiotics. Thankfully, it worked and I'm completely better.

When I was reading articles on breast infections, almost all of them had one thing in common: breast infections are an indicator that you need to slow down. That taught my a valuable lesson. More than my family needs a spotless house, they need a healthy wife and mom. Taking care of myself is essential if I'm going to take care of them. And, if they need me to be healthy physically, how much more do they need me to be spiritually healthy? I can't be the wife, mother, and homemaker I need to be on my own. I need the strength and grace of God to get me through each day. I need to saturate my mind with His word and bring my family before Him in prayer. When I was pushing myself just as hard as I could last week, I didn't 'have time' for the Scriptures because I 'had too much to do.' I have learned a valuable lesson--I don't have the time or strength to not make that a priority.

This week has been much better. I'm spending time reading Scripture in the morning when I nurse Benjamin. For cleaning, my priorities are to have the kitchen clean and the clothes washed and the other tasks, I'm just fitting in as I'm able. And instead of working while the children are napping at the same time, I'm trying to relax and instead do my work in bits and pieces throughout the day.

At the end of the day, at least we have healthy food to eat (and none of it rotting for lack of washing the dishes!), clean clothes to wear, and happy hearts. God has truly been gracious unto us.


  1. I experienced the same thing when my 4th was born. I developed mastitis, complete with fever and felt horrible for about 3 days. I also had to learn to slow down! We can't be 'supermom' all the time!

  2. Such a great post MJ! :)

    I think with every baby, there is a new adjustment and re-evaluating period... And if all we get at the end of the day is the very thing this post conveyed... Well then, I think you're doing quite well. :D

  3. Valuable lessons to learn from one who has been through it! Thanks Mary Jo. You continue to teach your mom:) Love you.

  4. Oh sweatpea my prayers are with you. At the end of the day your darlings aren't going to know or notice how clean the floors are; they will remember how you played with them. My youngest is 2 and I still have to remind myself of that every day.
