Friday, February 10, 2012

In which Ben and I are outnumbered

I had suspected it for a week or so.

Two pink lines in the wee hours of Sunday morning confirmed it.

You may have picked up hints in my posts this week (needing more protein, a pregnancy tea recipe, and being a little more tired than usual).

I'm pregnant!

The details:
::Baby is due October 10 (which also happens to be my parents' 25th anniversary!), meaning I am 5 weeks and 2 days along--and Baby is somewhere around the size of a sesame seed. {awwww}
::Baby is due 18 days before Benjamin turns 22 months, and Katie will be four months shy of turning 4. Benjamin was due 5 days before Katie turned 22 months. I'm amazed at how similar the spacing is!
::I'm really tired, a little nauseous occasionally, and eating and drinking a ton. If any of y'all have been both pregnant and nursing, I'm sure you can relate! Most days, I feel like a bottomless pit. ;)
::We are planning to do another home birth with the same midwife we used last time.

We are so thankful that the Lord has seen fit to bless us with another little one and appreciate your prayers as we look forward to welcoming this sweet new person into our family in eight months! Any advice from those of you with more children in your house than parents would be much appreciated as well! :)

This post is linked to Finer Things Friday.


  1. Congratulations! Such exciting news to wake up to this morning!

  2. Congratulations!! I saw this in my reader and HAD to comment! We found out Monday that we are expecting our second! I convinced my sweet hubby to take some cute announcement pics and posted about it yesterday! Such fun!! We are due October 8th (so they think right now....) Hope you have a smooth pregnancy and no sickness!

    If you want to see our pics, you can check it out at:

  3. Congratulations! We'll be outnumbered when baby #3 arrives in early August. And we'll also have 3 kids, ages 3 and under. Fun times are ahead for us!

  4. Congrats! I found you through your comment on life in a shoe. I'm expecting our 3rd June 19th, our first boy. We have Olivia who will be 4 in may and Faithful will turn 1 in march. Children are indeed a blessing from God! We live next door to my in laws too, in rural Oklahoma . Looking forward to exploring your blog!

  5. Congratulations! How exciting it must be to know that another precious little one will soon be with your family!

    Many Blessings,

  6. Congratulations! What a blessing! I'm happy for you! :)

  7. oh how blessed you are! i'm so happy for you!!

  8. I am so happy for your family! We just had our 4th, a boy, on the 7th. Our daughter is 8 and our sons are 7 & 5. Honestly, when we went from one child to two (11 mo.apart), it was a challenge. But when our third came, it was a smooth transition. I know our baby's only two weeks, but really it's been smooth, too. Again, congratulations!

  9. Congratulations! I am expecting our first in October as well. What a blessing it must be for you to have three.
