Monday, March 11, 2013

Menu Plan, March 10-16

I'm back! A little later than I initially planned because of some time we were able to spend with my parents this past week. What a blessing it was! I was sorry to see them head out today.

I always feel like I'm "re-entering" real life after my mama goes home because I get used to having her help with my everyday tasks while she's around. Here's hoping the week goes smoothly!

Here's what we're planning to eat this week:

Breakfasts (all served with yogurt and/or fruit):
Scrambled eggs with sourdough toast or breakfast potatoes
Baked Oatmeal

Dinners (all served with salad):
Leftover Potato Soup (with sausage-seasoned beef instead of ham)
Roasted chicken drumsticks, baked sweet potatoes, green beans
Chicken Broccoli Rice casserole
BBQ Meatballs, mashed potatoes, green beans
Rice and beans with all the "fixings" (homemade salsa, sour cream, sauteed onions, etc.)
Sourdough pizza
Fellowship meal at church (I'm thinking I'll bring chili)

What are y'all making this week? If you need some inspiration, be sure to head over to OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea on seasoning the beef as for sausage. Never thought of that, although I have done same with ground chicken and turkey. Thanks for sharing. Found you thru Menu Plan Monday.
