Monday, September 20, 2010

Menu Plan, September 20-26

I am feeling a wee bit way uninspired and blah with my meal planning this week. Do y'all have any great recipe recommendations? I could use some fresh ones, for sure! Since we stick to hormone and antibiotic free meats, we mostly eat whole chickens and ground beef because it can get SO pricey to buy quality meats!

Despite my lack of inspiration, we still need to eat! So, here's what I have planned for the week. What are y'all eating?

Breakfasts: scrambled eggs with sausage and toast, pancakes with sausage, grits (found organic grits for a great price on Amazon--made from non-GMO corn!) casserole with fruit, Cheesy Potato Pie with muffins

Lunches: grilled cheese with tomato soup, beans and cornbread, Brown Bag Burritos, leftovers

Monday~ Homemade Pizza, salad (we usually only have pizza once every week, but I took a crust out of the freezer yesterday and we ended up eating at the farm, so I need to use it up!)
Tuesday~Chicken Pot Pie, salad
Wednesday~Creamy Macaroni and Cheese, steamed veggies, fruit
Friday~Spaghetti and meatballs, salad
Saturday~Homemade pizza, salad
Sunday~dinner at the farm


  1. I'm feeling the same way! Just really uninspired and not too interested in eating the meals that I do make. We had tacos last night which was a nice change. What about chicken and cheese quesadillas, spaghetti, tuna casserole (don't know if yall ever have tuna!), save the chicken wings from a few chickens and make hot wings, chef/cobb salads, patty melts, lima bean bake(cooked limas, sauteed onions & peppers, spices, and cheese on top). Hopefully one of these will sound good to you or inspire something new.

  2. we are having homemade pizza on saturday too :)
    great list!

  3. I just want to say thanks for putting your menus on here! I have enjoyed reading what you make. In fact, I made a form of your cheesy potatoe pie for supper last night (a form because I didn't have the exact ingredients on hand), and I made brown bag burritos for lunch today! Thanks...because you inspired me!! =)
