Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Plan, January 24-30

So, I feel like we're finally getting into somewhat of a routine (sort of). Since my mom went home, I have definitely begun to see the (at least for me) necessity of cooking ahead. Lately, I start working on dinner right after breakfast. It never fails that Benjamin needs to eat at 5:30 or 6 when I would normally be getting dinner ready. Having it mostly done ahead of time definitely helps tremendously! Anyway, I'm still keeping things relatively simple around here, though I do find I'm having a little more energy--this boy is going to be an entire month old on Friday! I can hardly believe it!

Anyway, here's what we're eating this week. What are y'all fixin'?

cold cereal (with raw milk)
baked oatmeal (with apples and cranberries), scrambled eggs
pancakes, scrambled eggs
cheesy potato pie, banana bread

sandwiches (egg salad, PB and J, PB and Banana, grilled cheese)

Monday~Chicken Pot Pie (leftover from a meal a family from church brought on Saturday)
Tuesday~Swiss Steak, mashed potatoes, salad
Thursday~beef tacos, rice and beans
Saturday~lasagna, salad

For more menu plans, check out OrgJunkie!


  1. Just saw that you had your baby. Congratulations! What a cutie. Wishing you the best.

  2. Hi, my name is Kristine, and I came across your blog awhile back. You have been an encouragement and an inspiration to me. Thanks so much for sharing a great blog and I wish you and your family the best.
