Sunday, March 13, 2011

Menu Plan, March 14-20

Here's what we're planning to eat this week. Just out of curiosity, do y'all plan out your menus for the week? Even though I rarely follow my plan perfectly, I find it's so helpful; when I have a plan, and make a grocery list accordingly, at least I know I have ingredients on hand for meals for the week.

Cold cereal
Apple and cranberry baked oatmeal, scrambled eggs (a 9x13 lasts us 4 days when I serve it with eggs!)
Cheesy potato pie

Pinto beans, cornbread, cabbage
Yogurt and fruit smoothies, peanut butter toast

Monday~Beef Stew, Irish Soda Bread
Wednesday~chicken pie (a recipe from my aunt--I may just have to post it for y'all!), steamed veggies
Thursday~Chili, cornbread
Saturday~homemade pizza, salad
Sunday~dinner at the farm


  1. Reading your menu reminded me that I've been meaning to make Irish Soda Bread and when I sit down to make the menu I keep forgetting. Maybe it will actually make it on the menu for next week.

  2. I've never actually made it before--just saw it on another blog last week and thought it looked tasty and fun to make. :)

  3. I menu plan every week too. It saves me so much time and money. The only thing that I have changed in my menu planning is assigning meals to the day. I never seemed to make them on that specific day so I started making my menu a list of 7 breakfasts, lunches, and suppers and picking one off the menu each day.
