Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love your babies every chance you get, and help another mama get to love hers longer

Both times I found out I was pregnant, my heart was immediately filled with love for my sweet babes, and many vast hopes and dreams for how their lives will play out. If I had everything my way, I would live to a ripe old age and bounce my children's grandchildren (and perhaps THEIR children!) on my knees. And of course in my 'perfect' plan, my children will outlive me by many years. I think that's what every mama hopes for her babies.

I go about life assuming I will have my children to love on all my days.  Tragically, that's not always what happens. Kim over at Life in a Shoe posted today about a precious girl named Anaya with a terminal illness. Reading her mama's blog gave me cause for serious reflection. I never wonder, "Is today our last day together," or, "After next week, will I just be left with memories?"

If I truly acknowledged that in His sovereignty, God gives and takes away, perhaps I would take the time to hug my little ones a little tighter, gaze into their eyes a little longer, and savor their precious laughter and smiles a little more. Perhaps I'd say "yes" more often and take more time to play. I'm sure no matter how long the Lord gives me to enjoy my children, when it's all said and done it still won't seem like it's been long enough

Doctors told Anaya's parents she likely wouldn't make it past 13 months and she's now 18-months-old. She has outlived the doctor's expectations, in part, thanks to breast milk donated by nursing moms (and of course, milk from her own mama). At present, they can only accept milk from Canada due to really high shipping costs, but they are looking for moms to donate more milk for her. If you're in Canada and you have some breastmilk life-giving, liquid gold to spare, won't you consider sending it to Anaya? If it was your baby, wouldn't you hope someone would help give you the chance to love her a little longer? 

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