Thursday, March 1, 2012

To Katie on her third birthday

My sweet Katie girl,

Has it really been three years already since I had the awesome privilege of holding you in my arms for the first time? Three is such a big girl age. I can hardly believe my baby girl is there.

It has been another incredible year of watching you grow and mature. You're 34 pounds and 38 1/2 inches tall. You seem to be tall a slim, the latter of the two traits certainly not one you got from me! You are becoming more and more helpful to me around the house--I know you'll eventually be my right hand lady! You help wash dishes, put away utensils, take laundry to the hamper, and help with picking up your toys, and you have recently started learning how to set the table. The little things you do really are a blessing to me, especially these days when I'm queezy and more tired than usual. You are eager to help with cooking, but I certainly still have to keep a very close eye on you! 

Watching you develop in your role as a big sister has been really amazing for me. You are (most of the time!) so sweet to Benjamin and very concerned about him. You help me keep him out of trouble, which I so appreciate! You are also happy to fetch his cup and whatever other supplies I need in taking care of him. And, watching the two of you enjoy playing with each other warms my heart so! I can leave you both in your room for half an hour or more and you usually play nicely the whole time.

You are so excited about our new baby and love to talk about "her" (you're so sure!) teeny tiny self. You frequently point out that mommy has "free" babies--with one outside my tummy (because you're certainly not a baby anymore. Ha!) and one inside my tummy. So cute!

You love reading, and have recently started sitting through longer stories, which has been fun for both of us. The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh was your first "chapter book." I really enjoy the time we spend reading together every day, and I hope you'll always love to read. You can also count pretty well, making it to 20 or so with just a few hangups.

You love to sing hymns, pray before meals, and talk about Jesus. You sit quietly through church the vast majority of the time, and you really do love being there. We are working through the children's catechism with you, and you pick up the answers so quickly! You often ask me questions about God, and I am so thankful I can be home with you so I don't miss out on precious opportunities to share the gospel with you even now as you are so young. We have to watch your theology closely, as you come up with some pretty interesting (dare I say, heretical? ha!) ideas on your own!

You have quite the growing vocabulary, and it is so fun to spend my days with you. I love that we can have real conversations now since you can talk in full sentences (paragraphs...monologues?!). You are my sweet little buddy, and I am sure that eventually, by God's grace, you will truly be one of my closest friends. Though some days I wish time would stop so I could savor your sweet, chubby toddler face and hold on to the many adorably precious and funny things you say and do for just another moment, I suppose I do look forward to that season of life as well.

My prayer for you this year is the same as it always has been--that you would believe the gospel at a young age and spend the fullness of your years in service to the Lord; the same One Who made my dreams of being a mama come true when He so graciously gave you to me three years ago.

My beloved firstborn, your mama loves you so much more than words can say.

A happiest of birthday to you!


This post is linked to Finer Things Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Have three years really gone by? Seems like almost yesterday. And here you are with number three on the way. God has blessed you and Ben, and US with more than we deserve. Love you bunches! Mom
