Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Menu Plan, January 21-27

So, this week started off with a somewhat lazy Monday (the children were all in bed until almost 9:30!), so today sort of feels like Monday even though it's not.

Better late than never, here's my menu plan for the week.

Scrambled eggs with fruit, and sourdough toast or breakfast potatoes
Easy Breakfast Casserole, fruit, toast

Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, salad
Out (for a business meeting)
Pepper Jack and Green Chile Tacos (on sourdough tortillas), pineapple
Chicken noodle soup, salad, sourdough bread
Sourdough pizza, salad
Dinner with family at the farm

Lunches are leftovers every day. This simplifies my life tremendously!

In other menu planning news, we're splitting a side of beef with Ben's family and we'll be picking it up next week. I am so looking forward to re-stocking our freezer with delicious, local grass-fed beef (for only $3/lb!).

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.


  1. MPM definitely keeps me on track. I actually look forward to Mondays!
    Your menu plan looks delicious. We love tacos too!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I conquer with leftovers make life a ton simpler we do leftovers or pasta for lunch unless daddy's home than I get fancy lol
