Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Benjamin: One Month

Benjamin turned one month old this past Friday. I can't believe how fast the time is going by. It amazes me how much he's changed in the five weeks since we met him.

Playing on his blanket
He nurses every two and a half to three hours during the day, takes about three naps, and usually wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat. He's growing like a weed! His newborn size clothes are getting too small and he wears pretty much all 0-3 and 3 month clothes. He's also starting to show more personality, which is so much fun. He smiles and coos and is really a pretty laid back baby--though when he's hungry, he's hungry and when Katie's a little too in his face, he lets us know! ;) He's more attached to me than Katie was at this age--she always wanted Daddy!
Starting early! ;)

Katie loves Benjamin and is doing great at being a big sister (for the most part--I often have to remind her to be more gentle). She loves to read him books and talk to him and is also a great helper for mama. She loves to fetch things for Benjamin and throw diapers away (though there's not a whole lot of that happening now since we've switched to mostly cloth).
Katie beeping Benjamin's nose. Benjamin wondering what in the world she's doing. Ha!
Adjusting to two babies hasn't been a total walk in the park, but I feel like we're finally getting into a good routine and life is settling into the new normal. Both of them are such a blessing, and I certainly wouldn't trade this season of life for anything in the world!

My babies. {{heart}}


  1. How sweet! Those photographs are too cute! I am so happy to hear that little Benjamin is doing well and growing happily!

    Many Blessings,

  2. those pics are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!
