Setting my goals for this year based on what I could fit into a reasonable schedule has worked out really well, as has breaking my big goals into bite-sized goals each week.
Here are my goals for this week:
-Read through Genesis 47 (still following this Chronological Bible Reading Plan)
-Memorize Psalm 119:7-8, continue reviewing verses 1-6
-Finish reading Shepherding a Child's Heart
-Stay within my Weight Watchers point allowance for the week.
-Do the Postnatal Bootcamp 2 workout at least three times.
-Help Katie memorize Catechism Question #6, continue reviewing #1-5 daily.
-Spend time one-on-one with Katie each day during Benjamin's morning nap. Continue reading The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh
-Pick one or two baby books to read specifically to Benjamin each day.
-Design pregnancy tea for a unit project using bulk herbs I purchased (no, I'm not pregnant that I know of--it's just part of an assignment!)
-Complete Unit 6 of the Family Herbalist course and pass exam.
-Continue deculttering 15 minutes per day at least 3-4 days. This week I will be working on the Master Bedroom (FlyLady's Zone 4).
-Finish making a detailed two-week menu plan and grocery list for the elimination diet we'll be starting on Thursday.
That's it for this week. Do y'all set weekly goals? Be sure to head to Crystal's blog for lots of goal-setting inspiration. :)
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