Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Goals for 2012

I have made a point of setting goals every year for the past several years. Most of the time I have accomplished some of them (last year, I accomplished half of the goals I set). 

This year, I have made an effort to only set goals I have time for. After writing out my priorities and determining areas that needed to improve in each (as Crystal outlines here), I printed out a week-long schedule form and filled it in, leaving a couple hours each day for margin time (diaper blow-outs, extra nursing, reading more books to cute babies, etc.). I also consulted with my husband throughout my goal-setting process(what a blessing to have a godly man by my side!). He balances me out so well!

After that process, these are the goals I came up with. Barring any upheaval in our lives (or exhaustion from a pregnancy--which would be fine with me!), I think it's a reasonable expectation that all these goals are things I will accomplish this year.

Personal Growth:
-Read the Bible through chronologically following this plan
-Memorize a minimum of two Bible verses per week. I am planning to work through Psalm 119, though I don't think I'll finish it this year.
-Completely read one book per month besides the Bible and the books I'm studying for school.
-Continue losing weight. I have lost all the weight I gained while I was pregnant with Katie, plus a few pounds. I want to lose another 12 pounds this year. 
-Strengthen my core and pelvic floor. I am going to start by working through this Postnatal Bootcamp 2 this month and next.

Marriage Goals:
-Get in a routine of regular date nights--at least once or twice per month. Ben's family is only half a mile down the road from us and they're willing to watch the children for us. 
-Read a few books together.
-Have bi-monthly meetings to talk about family issues, our business, budget, etc. 

Parenting Goals:
-Begin working through Sonlight's PreK 3-4 curriculum with Katie (she will be three in February)
-Work with Katie to memorize one catechism question each week
-Read at least one book to Benjamin each day (we read to Katie so much as a baby, but haven't been as good about reading to Benjamin, though he's often around when I read to Katie).
-Choose one habit each month to work on with each child. This will start after we get home.

Education Goals:
-Complete Vintage Remedies Family Herbalist program and upgrade to Holistic Wellness Professional program.

-Systematically declutter our entire house using Flylady's method 
-Choose one new "real food" project to tackle each month (some I have in mind: sourdough, sprouting grains, crispy nuts and making nut butters, and lacto-fermenting veggies/fruits).


  1. New beginnings are so exciting! Thank you for sharing your Bible-reading plan..so many are searching for one!

  2. Wow reading your goals makes me feel like such a slacker. My goals are get through kacees surgery and have this baby lol that's all I could muster obvisiously I'm not searching deep enough!

  3. @Vishakha, Don't feel bad at all! Right now, I'm not pregnant, and I've only got two little ones (who *mostly* sleep relatively well). And, Ben is self-employed and is able to be home quite a bit. "For everything there is a season..."
