I had big plans for yesterday, the day I am allowing my readers to "peak into." I wrote out a to-do list on Monday night, and had even decided what picture to post first...a cute one of Katie when I went to get her up in the morning. But, 3 AM rolled around, and Katie uncharacteristically woke up to eat, and then ended up spending the rest of the morning in bed with me. Then, when the alarm went off at 6:30, I was still tired, but it woke her up...anyway, I say that to say, my days don't
always usually go according to plan.
The day officially started at 7. I nursed Katie in our bed and then we all snuggled for a while before getting up. At around 7:30, I fixed Katie some oatmeal and bananas and fed her. Ben headed out the door to do a little work before breakfast. He's able to do that because he has his shop on the family farm down the road.
After Katie ate, she played in her high chair while I fixed some breakfast. I was planning to make pumpkin bread, but I took my pureed pumpkin out of the fridge, and it had mold (YUCK!), so I defaulted to banana bread. Once the bread was in the oven, I cleaned up the kitchen and then got ready to work out. I have been trying to do the
30 Day Shred most days. Katie played with Ben while I worked out, and just about the moment I finished, the timer went off (about 9 o'clock). The banana bread was done, so I took it out of the oven, put Katie down for a nap and took a quick shower while it cooled a bit.
Ben and I take a couple of seminary level courses at our church on Tuesday nights, and were both behind on our reading, so we ate in the living room while trying to get caught up. After breakfast, Ben left for work. I read a little longer, but at about 10, Katie was still fussing from when I put her down. She usually only fusses for a few minutes, so I got her up and nursed her. She has been teething, and I think she might be having a growth spurt, so I wanted to make sure she wasn't hungry. She fell asleep nursing, but woke up crying as soon as I put her in bed. I decided to leave her there for a couple minutes and see if she would go to sleep, and straighten up a little bit more.
While cleaning, I heard a really loud sound and my house shook. It made me a little nervous, as I couldn't figure out what it was. So, I scooped up Katie (who was still crying) and called Ben at the farm so he could come and check things out. He looked all around the house outside and in all the rooms and couldn't figure out what it was (still curious...). Since it didn't seem like Katie was going to sleep, I decided to come to the farm with Ben and get some things done online. I paid some bills and did some other miscellaneous tasks and finished up some of the reading for class while Katie played with her many adoring uncles and her aunt. She is learning to stand on her own, and is so pleased by the applause she receives when she does.
By that time, it was about 12:30, and Ben and I decided to head home for lunch. I just reheated some leftovers from Monday night: pinto beans, cabbage, and cornbread.
After lunch, Ben headed back to the shop, and I nursed Katie again. This time she was quite exhausted, and fell asleep and took a good nap. This gave me opportunity to get some more reading done for class, as well as straighten up the house. I put some pulled pork BBQ in my little 2 qt. crockpot to bring to church, and packed some hamburger rolls and apples to go with it. We have about 10 minutes to eat between classes, so I wanted to pack something quick, and avoid eating out.
Hannah, my 17 year old sister-in-law, watches Katie while Ben and I are at class, so I decided to go ahead and pack her bag. About that time, she woke up, so I put her in
my sling and finished up.
I was sterilizing a bottle for the breastmilk I pumped for her for tonight when Ben walked in the door. We got our things together and brought her to the farm. Upon arriving, we realized we had left Katie's dinner (organic beef and vegetables) at home, so Ben drove back to the house (half a mile) while I did a quick blog post. He came back, and it was time to go, but we realized we had left the diaper bag at home (!), so Ben went back one more time and got it. I met him at the door and we headed off to class.
When we got to church, the boys helped carry some bookshelves up to the new library before class started. We are taking Biblical Law and Advanced Systematic Theology, and are really enjoying them and learning a lot. Class ended a little bit early, so we went with two of Ben's brothers to get some coffee (I had hot chocolate) at a local coffee shop. We performed there Friday night, so we get a 40% discount for the rest of the month!
When we got back to the farm, most of the family went up to watch a movie, and Ben and I played a game together. When the family came down, we spent some time chatting with them, and then headed home at about 11:15. When we got home, I nursed Katie one last time and put her down for the night. Ben was up reading, and I briefly thought about doing the same, but my sleepiness won, and thus ended my day.
Hop on over to the
YLCF and you can peek into the days of several other Christian young women.