Monday, July 11, 2011

Menu Plan, July 11-17

Well, my mom went home last Tuesday. I miss her a *ton*! I still haven't totally gotten back into my normal routine. My dear friend (who also happens to be my sister-in-law!) was in town with her two sweet boys (22 months and 9 months) all last week, so I was able to enjoy sweet fellowship with her and we had the children together as much as we could for some fun cousin time! So this week, it's back to normal for real, and while I definitely miss Lauren and her boys and my mom, of course, I do love returning to normalcy after weeks of great family time.

It has been downright hot in these parts, so I'm avoiding the oven as much as possible. With that in mind, here's what's on the menu this week.

Amish breakfast casserole, fruit
Zucchini bread (make an extra loaf to share at church on Sunday), scrambled eggs
Crustless mini-quiche, fruit
Homemade cinnamon rolls, scrambed eggs

Peanut butter smoothie
Strawberry banana smoothie
Chicken salad wraps, fruit

Baked spaghetti, green beans (x2)
Beef hot dogs, fruit, baked potato wedges (x2)
Chicken salad wraps, fruit
Sloppy Joes, fruit, salad
Sunday dinner at the farm

What are y'all fixing this week? If you need some inspiration, head on over to OrgJunkie for a few hundred other menu plans!


  1. Sloppy Joes sound so good! I was wondering if you ever did the drawing for the coconut flour...

  2. Erica, the sloppy joes were great! We ended up taking them over to the home of three of my husband's brothers and treating the bachelors to a home-cooked meal. :)

    I did the drawing, and the winner has been notified.
