Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My home management system, pt. 2: weekly chores

If you missed part 1 of this series, you can find it here.

At our house in this season of raising littles, things can get crazy and messy quickly, so keeping up with daily chores is the priority. However, the toilets still need to be cleaned and if I don't dust it's bad for Ben's asthma (not to mention it looks gross!). So, that's where my Motivated Moms planner comes in. I have mentioned it before, and almost a year later, I'm still using it to make sure I get all the necessary cleaning projects done each week.

Each day's list includes weekly, monthly, and even yearly cleaning projects--I haven't found that it's missing anything and it sure does make my life easier to have someone else tell me what to do and when to do it. Each week when I do my planning, I write down the chores from each day on the to-do list on my daily docket form.

For example, here are the chores listed for today in the planner. The ones on my list (which, ahem, I haven't done yet--yet!) are bold.
  • Clean out/organize pantry
  • Clean outdoor trash can (something Ben does when he takes our trash to the landfill, so I don't have this one on my list for the day)
  • Wash windows--hallways (we don't have any hallway windows)
  • Clean blinds/curtains--hallways (see above)
  • Straighten master bedroom closet
  • Clip children's nails
  • Clean/wash hairbrushes and combs
As you can see, there are occasionally chores that don't apply to everyone's unique situations. But, that's fine. I either give myself a low cleaning day, or if I'm feeling ambitious, I'll add it an extra project (usually something more fun, like going organizing pictures).

Right now, you can get the Motivated Moms planner for the rest of this year for just $4! This is a great opportunity to try it out at half price. If you don't have a good system in place, I think you'll find it's definitely worth it. 

What do use to keep your weekly chores organized? Please tell me I'm not the only one who was married for a few years before getting a handle on this house cleaning gig! ;)

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday.

Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link, and if you purchase a Motivated Moms planner through this link, I receive a small kickback. Thank you for supporting Covenant Homemaking!

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