Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why I'm a mama...

I am blessed beyond measure to have a godly heritage. My mother is one of my dearest friends, and I can't express enough how thankful I am to have her in my life. Now that I'm a mom myself (this is my third Mother's Day as a mama--I can't believe it!), I can so much more fully appreciate all the sacrifices she made for me.This whole motherhood thing is so very blessed, but it's not for the faint of heart! As a mom, I am daily faced with a choice to be selfish or to deny myself for the temporal and, more importantly, the eternal well-being of my children.

Some days it's hard, but as I'm often reminded, there's a very bright light at the end of the tunnel:
What could bring more joy to an aging woman than to have her children rise up and called her blessed by their walking in the faith? What could bring more joy to a glorified woman than seeing around the heavenly throne a multi-generational crowd of her maternal influence? Look, Mom, you've fetched a thousand tongues to sing His praise!  
~Womanly Dominion
Reading these words literally brought tears to my eyes (more than once!). The daily grind of changing diapers, wiping noses, reading books, disciplining (again), cooking meals, cleaning, playing games, going over catechism questions, singing songs...I really do love it, and it's all is part of the work of growing children into adults, and Lord willing, they'll grow into adults who live for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom. The job mothers do changes the world! And as this quote so aptly points out, the influence of a mother has the ability to far outlast her, influencing many generations to come.

So, y'all, that's why I'm a mama; it's why I've devoted my life to the rearing of children. And there will be no greater reward than, by God's grace, looking around the throne of heaven one day and seeing my children and their children after them worshiping the risen Lord.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post, Mary Jo. "The eternal well-being of my children" was my favorite line. I feel so much better in the midst of correcting my children when I remember that!

    Happy Mother's Day!
