Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks

This pregnancy seems to be flying by (though admittedly on some days, it seems like December will NEVER get here!). I simply can't believe I'll be at the halfway mark in just three weeks (and possibly in my next update, I'll be able to tell y'all if Baby is a he or a she)! I think having a toddler to chase around all day makes time go by a lot faster.

We had a check-up with our midwife on Friday and all seems to be well. My lab work from my first appointment was great. I am only up one pound so far for the pregnancy--which is fine since I'm still hanging on to some of my Katie weight. Baby's heartbeat was good and strong at 150 beats per minute, and much to my happy surprise I felt my first definite baby kick while sitting on the sofa at my appointment. What a thrill that was! I have felt Baby a few times since then, and it's kind of like being pregnant for the first time all over again--I get so excited every time. :o)

Thankfully, I am pretty much 100% back to my normal self, aside from needing a wee bit of extra sleep at night (about 9 hours instead of 8). I've finally started going for a brisk walk about 5 days out of the week. My mother-in-law has been joining me and we bring Katie along in the stroller. It's been quite nice (albeit kind of hot!). I'm really hoping the consistent exercise will help my labor be a little shorter than my labor with Katie was.

I am so thankful to the Lord for a healthy and not-too-difficult pregnancy thus far. How are you other pregnant mamas faring these days?

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Hey, glad your pregnancy is going well for you! That's cool you felt it kick already! I'm 16 weeks, but haven't felt anything yet. I'm looking forward to when I do! Been really super-sick for the last 10 weeks, though...I can't wait till this sick part is done!

  2. hey , I've been folowing your blog for a little while now. I am just a few days behind you in my pregnancy and feeling great as well. Been blessed by you blog. We are a christian couple and this will be our first one. Excited and scared! I also love your healthy recipes. I'm all about eating healthy.
