Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trying Again

On January 1, I had grand intentions of reading through the Bible in 90 Days along with lots of other bloggers, led by Mom's Toolbox. I didn't do it. So, when I heard there was another Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days beginning, July 5, I toyed around with joining in, and finally yesterday morning I decided to give another go. Though I'd prefer to get up early and read the entire day's reading in one chunk, I've found that reading throughout the day as I have extra time is working out well for now. At the end of day 2? So far, so good. Only 88 days left. :)

Since Katie was born, I have struggled with getting back into the habit of rich, daily time spent in God's Word. I'm hoping this time around, the Bible in 90 Days plan will, by God's grace, help me get back to where I should be (before I'm chasing TWO babies around instead of just one!). One reason I am especially excited about this fast-paced read through the entire Bible is that in the past year or two, many of my theological views have changed and matured, and I'm excited to read through the Bible with themes in mind that were completely off my radar in the past when I've read through Scripture.

Even though it's a couple days into it, it's not too late to join in, and you could still catch up! If you're interested, head over to Mom's Toolbox and check out this post with all the details. Let me know if you decide to give it a try.


  1. I'm sure you'll finish this time around. I'll be praying for you!

  2. I started doing that back in March, but slowed down, so I think it is going to be 180 days instead. I liked when I had a good pace going because I had a greater feeling of the "big picture." Hopefully I will be able to get back on track, although it's a little hard getting through the Prophets...
