Monday, April 12, 2010

Menu Plan, April 12-18

The "plan" is different this week, as I'm going out of town tomorrow. However, I'm leaving some things behind for Ben to enjoy in my absence (which I didn't do last time, and he didn't eat very well!). It's not a huge variety, but there's always the option of sitting himself at his mama's table, as well. So, I'm confident he'll manage. Some of these are sort of tentative since my grain mill stopped working this morning (major bummer!) I'll have to see if I can get my hands on some flour today.

-Banana bread (a new-to-me recipe; if it's as good as it sounds, I'll let y'all know!)

-Brown Bag Burritos (he LOVES these, and I love a healthier, made-from-scratch convenience food!)

What are your favorite meals to make ahead? Have you ever gone away and left meals behind for your husband and/or kiddos? 

For hundreds of other menu plans, check out OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Some of my favorite freezer meals to make ahead are: lasagna, chili and non-pasta soups. I will usually double my recipe, then freeze the other leftover half. It makes for a quick healthy meal, whether for husband & children or just for a night when the day has been full. Sorry about your mill ~ I have had a couple mill mishaps that nearly left us without. :-)

    Blessings ~

  2. Glad you like the burritos! They're a favorite here. I need to make some more. :)
