Friday, April 13, 2012

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home, Day 10

Crystal at Money Saving Mom has been hosting a little challenge called 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home this month. Last week, I posted almost every day about the challenges. I've kept up with it each day this week, and I'm actually getting around to posting about today's assignments!

From today's post:

Day 10 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}
::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.
::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}
::Dust all ceiling fans and clean all light fixtures in your house. Check for burned out light bulbs and replace.

::Set the timer for at least 15 minutes and do something you really enjoy and that relaxes and rejuvenates you. If you need ideas, here are a few: read, write, call a friend, pray, exercise, bake, play with your children, laugh with your husband, stop by the bookstore and browse the book selection, work in the garden, or take a nap! Take some time to just stop and enjoy life today!
I had planned to get up early, but my plan was halted because Katie had crawled in bed with us and she started to wake up when I got up, so I laid back down. I really didn't want to have a grumpy 3-year-old up early with me! I've had to change my original morning routine around. Benjamin has dropped his morning nursing (so he's down to just once a day *sniff*) so I can't plan to read my Bible while I feel him anymore.

We had a quick breakfast of leftover baked oatmeal cups and scrambled eggs (chicken sausage for Ben, who isn't eating eggs while on the elimination diet) then got on with the rest of the morning routine. After we had family worship and Ben left for work, I did some cleaning and blogging and the children played together. Once things were picked up, we headed out for a nice, long walk.

When we got home, we had lunch (leftovers for Ben and peanut butter smoothies for the children and me-YUM!), read stories, and then the kiddos went down for a nap. I did some work and also relaxed a little bit--and I bought a new eBook!

I've been having a hard time keeping our grocery budget down with my need for extra protein (and just extra food in general) and Ben's need for "different" foods, so I thought The Everything Beans Book might inspire me with some new, healthy, frugal recipes. I'm looking forward to looking through it tomorrow when I plan meals for next week.

Once the children woke up, I got back to cleaning while they watched a DVD and snacked on strawberries and some carrots with homemade ranch dip. That's when I tackled the fans and light fixtures. I didn't take pictures of everything, but I am going to humble myself and show you before and after pictures of our bedroom fan. Oh, my!

Ahem. Much better.

After I finished dusting the fans and light fixtures, we definitely needed to vacuum. The children helped me clean up all their mess so we could actually move the vacuum across the floor without running over/sucking up toys. Then we folded the clothes and I got rid of two days' worth (fourteen total) of items--I have a growing Good Will pile and have thrown several things away. I would have never guessed I'd find seven items per day to get rid of!

Right about the time we finished that up, Ben came home and I fixed a quick dinner of pasta with red sauce. And now the kitchen is all clean and we're just spending the evening together. :)

Have any of y'all continued with the challenge this week? I'd love to hear how it's going for you!

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