Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home, Day 18

Today started a little late (for me, at least!). One of the things I do for the Home Health Agency I work for from home is after hours/weekend scheduling. A caregiver called off at 3:30 this morning for a 6:30 shift, so I was up for a large portion of the time from 3:30 to 6:30 working on that. I thought I'd just stay up, but after reading my Bible for a while I got reeeeally tired, so I went back to sleep. Ben got up with the children and I slept in an extra hour (what a guy!).

I got up, got dressed to shoes, fixed breakfast (we ate at around 9:30--yikes!), made a to-do list for the day based on my weekly goals and started picking up around the house. I played with the children some, chatted with my Mom a little bit, and before I knew it, it was already time to fix lunch.

After a quick lunch, I read to the children and put them down for their naps, did some work, and then started on today's assignment right about the time the children woke up.

I have to admit, after thoroughly enjoying the results of the first two weeks of Crystal's 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home, I was really excited to get back to it today--until I saw the assignment. Clean the closet floors. I have been putting off cleaning our closet for a long time simply because I was dreading the task. Our bedroom closet was so bad I didn't even try to work on the others because I wore my pregnant self out just cleaning ours!

See? Pretty bad.

After taking everything out (besides the six bins of clothes), I filled up a bag of trash and a bag and box of items to give away. Then I cleaned the floor and put everything else back in. 

Much better!

After we finished in there, I took a break for a little bit and then fixed dinner. When Ben came home, he helped pick up the mess of toys in the living room--thankfully! Since I was pretty worn out, I let myself throw everything in the dishwasher rather and took a shower, bathed the children, and snuggled up and read stories. A marvelous way to end a productive day!

Have y'all kept up with the challenges? I'm excited (nervous?) to see what the assignments are for the rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! You did a lot of work. Great job MJ!! I know you feel so relieved to have that done.
