Saturday, December 12, 2009

We try to be careful about what movies we watch, and I'm sure our caution will only continue to increase as Katie gets older and we are watching movies as a family. A great source for checking into movies before you watch them is, by Focus on the Family. I've used this resource for years to see whether movies were suitable for watching.I especially like to use it when we are going to see a movie in the theaters, since we can't fast forward there!

They have hundreds of reviews: old movies, new releases, and movies still in theaters. Each review gives a summary of the plot, as well as specific positive and negative elements (such as sexual content, bad language, etc). Scripture does not give any specific guidelines for exactly what we watch, but I think we'd all acknowledge that we should be careful what we allow in our homes, especially when it comes to what our children see.

If you haven't used this website before, I would encourage you to check it out next time you are planning to watch a movie.


  1. We use Plugged In all the time. It is so helpful!

    We are becoming more and more conscious of the need of caution with Ridley around!

  2. Thanks for the reminder of where I can go to get information about movies.

  3. Dear Webmaster,

    I came across your website and wanted to let you know about MOVIEGUIDE.ORG

    Movieguide is dedicated to redeeming the values of the entertainment industry, according to biblical principles, by influencing industry executives and artists and by informing and educating the public about the influence of the entertainment media and about how to train their families to become media-wise, so they can choose the good and reject the bad.

    We have over 6,000 movie reviews from a Christian perspective, Red Carpet videos and interviews with the top entertainers in Hollywood.

    Would you please consider linking to

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

