Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Turkey, Rice, Carrot Soup

I very rarely make soup. Ben does not like onions, and he doesn't like a lot of vegetables either, so I am always at a loss for what to put in it! I recently took a cookbook out at the library in town and skimmed the soups section. I found a recipe for turkey, carrot, wild rice soup and altered it a bit to our liking. Since I roasted a turkey on Saturday, I put the carcass in my 16 qt. stock pot and made quarts and quarts of yummy, rich turkey stock. Here is how the soup ended up:

-About 4 quarts of turkey stock
-6 cups of cooked, chopped turkey
-4 carrots, slicked
-2 cups cooked wild rice
-2 cups cooked brown rice

Combine all the ingredients in a pot and cook until the carrots are soft. Season with salt, pepper, and thyme to taste.

Ben enjoyed this soup, it was really simple, and such a treat for this time of year. This Floridian is not used to such cold weather! And, there's plenty more to come. ;) As a side note, I always forget to take a picture of food I am going to blog about. I will try to remember to take a picture of the soup tomorrow when we have leftovers and add it to this post.

This post is linked to Ultimate Recipe Swap.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to try this tomorrow. I just finished deboning a turkey tonight and I've got stock working in the crockpot. :)
