Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog Parade!

So, I decided to participate in the 32nd Street Blog Parade hosted this week by Abigail Kraft. There are some pretty nice giveaways lined up, and it should be fun to "meet" some new bloggers! If you are new to Covenant Homemaking, welcome, and thanks for stopping by!

I'm Mary Jo. I'm a follower of Christ and have been married to the love of my life for almost two years. We have one sweet daughter, Katie, who just turned one on Friday. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful life and we are so incredibly thankful! Here is a not-so-recent family picture. :)

Now, for the questions:

1. What's your favorite time of the day, and why?
If I have had a good night's sleep, I really love the early mornings. I love getting up and reading my Bible and getting breakfast going before Miss Katie wakes up.

2. If health wasn't an issue, what food could you live off of?
Perhaps oreo dessert (speaking of which...Grandma has some in the freezer that may be calling my name in a little bit). Basically, during my pregnancy with Katie, I really developed a liking for chocolate. Especially rich, dark chocolate. Delish!

3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes), what would it be?
I would wish to be the best wife and mom possible, unto the glory of God. This is an area which I know no matter how much I work to improve, I'll never be perfect. But, I'd love to be.

4. What's one thing that you get teased about a lot?
I have an amazing ability to ask way too many questions. But, hey, I like to talk...and if you won't talk back, I can do my best to make you. ;)

5. If you could choose one movie, book, or TV show to spend your life in, which would you pick? What type of character would you be?
Truly, I love my life and I can't imagine it being any different. :)

6. If you could have one talent that you don't already have, what would it be?
I'd love to be able to write music.

7.If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
If I could have any vacation I wanted, I would go on a tour of Europe to see all the amazing locations that were important to the reformation.

8. If you were an awesome singer, which genre would you sing?
I love hymns, and really enjoy listening to them. So, probably hymns.

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, what would it be?
Hmm...that's tough. Perhaps Amazon, since I could get just about anything I could imagine!

10. If you could live in any point in time, when would it be?
Maybe during the time of the Great Awakening in America, as long as I could bring my family!

11. If every outfit in your wardrobe had to be one color, what would it be?
That's tough...probably brown or black.

12. If you were one of the seven dwarves, which one would you be?
Maybe Happy. Or Grumpy. Depends on the day.
13. What's the last album you listened to?
Bless My Baby Girl. Such a sweet CD of baby girl lullabyes. Our Pastor's wife gave it to me when Katie was baptized.

14. What's something we'd be surprised to know about you?
Hmm...you'd probably never guess that I enjoy listening to Christian (Reformed) rap!


  1. So I have to ask...which Christian rapper do you listen to? Lecrae? :)

  2. I would have to agree with you that I love to talk and love to try to make people talk! :) If you every get the itching to come to Germany, I live all around the reformation sites; the closest one being 5 minutes from my house where Zwingli sp? stayed on his way to argue Martin Luther over the sacraments. It's incredible. I love how contentment just pours out of your answers about your life. Glad to get to know a little more about you sister!

  3. Hi! nice to meet you - found you on the 32nd Blog Parade. I enjoy reading your blog - signed up to be a follow of yours. I invite you to come visit my blog. Have a great week! :) <><

  4. Jessica: I like Lacrae and Tripp Lee the best. :o)

    Jessica: That is so neat! I don't foresee a trip to Germany any time in the real immediate future, but I would LOVE to go there someday. :)

  5. Hi! Just stopped by from the blog parade. I enjoyed reading your answers and visiting your blog. Your baby girl is adorable!

  6. i genuinely adore your posting choice, very useful.
    don't quit and keep creating as it simply just that is worth to look through it.
    looking forward to view more of your article content, have a good one!

  7. Your blog is beautiful! I love the sidebar designs...
    Your answers were so enjoyable to read! I, too, love singing hymns!
    Your family is adorable- and it is great to read how much you love the Lord and live to please Him.
    So glad I stopped by, and hope to more often... will have to add you to my reading list!
