Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Kitchen Fairies

I married into a really cool family, and I like living down the street from them. I've gotten comfortable enough with them that they can come over even when the house isn't spotless (good thing-otherwise they may never come over. Ahem.). So, yesterday afternoon three of my younger siblings-in-law came over for grilled cheese and a movie and my kitchen was a mess complete disaster. And, to top it off, as soon as the movie was over, Ben and I were heading out to have dinner with some friends at their house. I was really dreading coming home to a destroyed kitchen (especially since that means waking up to a messy kitchen as well if you get home late), and commented that I would love it if the kitchen fairy would come clean my house while I was gone. They asked who the kitchen fairy was and I played along, telling them she was a fairy who cleaned kitchens for mothers of babies Katie's age.

When we walked into our house at 10 o'clock last night, Ben asked me with a somewhat surprised tone, "Did you clean?" I said no, assuming he just couldn't see the mess because it was dark. Amazingly, when we turned the lights on we saw an absolutely spotless kitchen. As  it turns out, four of my younger siblings-in-law (17, 16, 13, and 11--and the youngest three are boys!) took it upon themselves to be my "kitchen fairies" and cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom, including mopping the floor.

How's that for an amazing surprise? And aside from the blessing of actually having the kitchen cleaned, a spotless kitchen encourages you to keep it spotless.

This post is linked to Finer Things Friday.


  1. I love the feeling of a clean kitchen! There's nothing like it!

  2. Oh what a sweet surprise! I would love some kitchen fairies of my own!


  3. that is so sweet! send them to my house! :o)

  4. That is so sweet! Your mother-in-law knows how to raise sons too since 3 of her boys were in the kitchen!! :)

  5. What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing it with us. It is good to know kids raised right do, do the right things. Even as teens

  6. What a great surprise. Now, where do you find a bathroon fairy?

  7. I need a kitchen fairy:) You used to be my kitchen fairy on occasion. I miss my kitchen fairy. God Bless You!

  8. What a wonderful surprise! Your mother-in-law has done a fabulous job with her kids!

  9. How awesome is that! And I bet they loved helping out, too. :)
