Sunday, February 7, 2010

Menu Plan, February 8-14


I really enjoyed cooking almost every night this past week and having dinner at home with Ben. We spent a lot of the weekend with family (including a couple days being snowed in). I liked the balance and am planning to do it again this week. Cooking at home, I had opportunity to make a few homemade breads with freshly milled flour, which was a treat! I am planning to do that again this week and try to implement more grain soaking as well. 

Here's what we're going to eat this week:

Breakfasts: eggs with sausage & toast, baked oatmeal (still trying to work out how to soak this with good results!), banana pancakes

Lunches: grilled cheese with baby carrots, quesadillas (with homemade tortillas that I actually did make finally!),leftovers

Dinners: homemade pizza (used this crust recipe last week and it was the best I've ever made) with salad, chili with cornbread, beef stroganoff with brown rice and steamed broccoli, dinner out, dinner at a friend's house, dinner at the farm

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.

1 comment:

  1. Mary Jo, Here is a recipe for soaked baked oatmeal we really enjoy. (I half the recipe).

    Ingredients (mix the night before & leave on the counter)

    ½ cup butter -- melted
    ¾ cup sucanat -- 3/4 to 1 cup
    3 cup rolled oats
    1 ½ cup fresh raw buttermilk (I've also used kefir or thinned organic yogurt)
    1 tsp cinnamon -- optional

    In the morning add:

    2 eggs -- beaten
    2 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp salt
    2 Granny Smith apples, chopped (alternatively, use raisins or other dried fruit)
    chopped walnuts, to taste (I mix them in AND sprinkle them on top)

    Combine first 5 ingredients the night before in a glass mixing bowl.

    In the morning add last 4 ingredients.

    Bake in a greased 11 x 7 baking pan at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
