Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Save LOTS of time with Google Reader

I love blogging. I also love reading blogs. There are SO many great ones out there. In fact, there are over 50 I read regularly. And I know I could add many more to the list, but I do have a life outside the blogosphere! For a long time, I went over to each blog daily (though, I did not read as many back then) to see if they had been updated.

Then, I discovered Google Reader. Perhaps I'm the last person in the bloggy world to start using a feed reader, but I'm sure glad I did. Google Reader is attached to my gmail account, and I am able to read all the blogs I want to in one place without going to several websites each day. The updates just come in automatically. If you have a google account, you will see "Reader" at the top of the screen--click that, and you can subscribe to as many feeds as you want.

One feature I absolutely love is the ability to star posts, just like you can star emails in G-mail. If there is a post I want to link to, comment on, come back to to read more thoroughly, or a post with a coupon/deal I want to take advantage of, I star it so I can find it easily when I have time.

Google Reader has saved me immense amounts of time while enabling me to read and learn from more blogs than I would be able to without it! For information about it, go here.

Do you use a feed reader? If so, which one, and what do you like about it?

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday and Things I Love Thursday.


  1. I like Bloglines...I do also use Google Reader though.

  2. I also use Google Reader and I love it!!

  3. Good ideas! I usually just look at mine on my blogger account. I always forget they're over at google too.

  4. I also love my gooogle reader--it allows really easy organization when you have sooo many blogs to read!

  5. Google Reader changed my life. Seriously it save me so much time. I spent way to much time clicking around to blogs before. Now I can breeze through them much quicker.
