Thursday, February 4, 2010

Limiting computer time

I only spent about an hour on the computer today, and amazingly enough the world did not come to a screeching halt! My blog readers didn't disappear, my friends on twitter survived without me (most of them are at Blissdom anyway!), and there weren't any urgent e-mails that lacked a reply because I was gone.

Instead of sitting at the computer, I...

::cleaned my house. Glorious! It was slightly ridiculously messy.
::played with my daughter, who WALKED around the house It really is amazing to me to see her walking around. How did the last almost-year go by this fast? How did my little, teeny, helpless newborn become a "big girl" in the blink of an eye?
::hung out with my hubby. He's really an amazing guy, and I always love getting to spend a day with him. And, with all the snow on the ground, it was a great day for snuggling up at home.
::made dinner. We had pasta with homemade sauce, steamed broccoli, and homemade (from freshly ground spelt) braided cheese bread . I have been cooking more meals at our house this week instead of eating with Ben's family almost every night. I love their company--don't get me wrong! But, I also love being able to cook yummy, healthy food I know my husband loves.

Today really helped me to see I could accomplish a lot more with my time online if I focused on the things I needed to do, knowing I had a time limit. It was also a reminder of how all I can do when I'm not on the computer for hours, and of how much I really enjoy doing those things! Not to mention, there is such a satisfaction in sitting down at the end of the day after spending most of the day serving my family. When I spend a whole day on the computer? Definitely not quite so satisfying. Limiting my computer time is going to be a permanent habit for me, I hope.

My plan is to limit myself to two hours during the day  while Katie is asleep, and perhaps a little more when she's down for the night. I want to spend her wake time with her. She's growing up way too fast! I'm going to try to discipline myself to keep a to-do list for when I'm online so I am sure to accomplish the highest priorities first.

I'm hoping limiting my computer time will help me to focus on the finer things in life, and pour myself into glorifying God first and foremost in my tasks of wife, mama, and homemaker. It's amazing how fast the hours go by and it's way too easy to forget all you're NOT doing when you get wrapped up online.

How do you manage your time on the computer?

Photo by laffy4k

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  1. Great post! I have felt the same way when I was on the computer blogging/twittering/chatting etc all the time. I finally put into place time management and I told myself I control the computer, the computer doesn't control me! Life is too short to not enjoy the finer things :)

  2. I totally agree!! I had to learn this the hard way though. I limit my time to 30 minutes in the morning (after Eric is at work and before the babies get up) and 1 hour in the afternoon. I have to say I have failed at this a lot lately and your post was just what I needed to hear to get back on track. I love the online to-do list idea. I think I will do that too.

  3. That is definitely something I need to work on big time!!! Thanks for posting this Mary Jo

  4. Just found your blog, and this was timely for me! My children are mostly grown (two are in college now and one still home), so things on that front have slowed down. I thought I could be online more and not hurt anything, but I've found there are so many things to do in real life! I don't yet have a handle on my computer time, but I definitely see the need for limiting it. I think your idea of a to-do list for online things is a good one.

  5. Thank you for this post! I have been needing to limit mine as well.

  6. Well, I had to deactivate my Facebook because I wasn't being a good steward of my time. I use the excuse that, I have a five month old to nurse, so why not surf the web while I am doing it. Truth is, I could take that time to read my bible and pray for my family or read to my girls. Thank you for the reminder!

  7. ha! i need to be better at doing the same thing! and you are doing right by savoring the wake time with your daughter.... it is unbelievable how fast they change!

  8. Good for you! I hope you can stick to it - I'm terrible, but reading good posts like this really helps inspire me. Some bloggers use this to help:
    God bless!
