Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Super Easy BBQ Chicken

One of the first church potlucks we went to after we were married, I decided to bring chicken in my (then) shiny, new crock pot. It was a bridal shower gift and I was so excited to use it for the first time (seems like so long ago--I don't think I even knew I was pregnant yet). It turned out really good, and I have prepared it the same way several times. I put it frozen in the crock pot, poured a bottle of BBQ sauce on the chicken and let it cook on low all night. I have also put it thawed in the crock pot first thing in the morning and let it cook up until lunchtime after church.

It has always been a hit, and is especially good shredded up and served with some extra sauce on a hamburger roll. So easy, and my hubby loves it! What are your favorite potluck recipes?

This recipe is linked to Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, Ultimate Recipe Swap, and What's in Your Crockpot.


  1. YUM...those crock pots are wonderful *servants* as we go about the business of homemaking, aren't they!? Your BBQ Chicken sounds delicious!


  2. This is also good with boneless pork chops.

  3. My dear Mother uses her crock pot quite often! She makes all kinds of delicious things in it. As a matter of fact, my mama made cube steak last night in the crock pot! It was wonderful! :)

    Many Blessings,

  4. oh yummy! i have been thinking about trying that very meal in the crockpot! i don't know why i hadn't thought of it before. crockpots are lovely!

  5. Sometimes the easiest recipes are the best! Thanks!

  6. Love my CrockPot. Thanks for linking up.

  7. There have been some great bbq recipes for the crockpot! That's something we haven't tried..
