Friday, February 26, 2010

To My Sweet Katie

Dear Katie,

Today marks one year since I had the awesome chance to hold you in my arms for the first time. I anticipated your birth for what seemed like forever. The day you were born was one of the most amazing days of my life. After a long, hard labor, I was indescribably happy to finally see the sweet babe who made my dreams of motherhood come true.

Watching you grow and change has been an unbelievable experience. A year ago, you were a helpless newborn with a good set of lungs. You screamed the moment your whole body was out, actually. You cried for a solid two hours every night for your first few weeks, but quickly became a champion sleeper, going seven hours straight before you were six weeks old!

Right away, we knew you were a strong girl. Before we left the hospital, you were holding up your head like a pro. At just two days, you rolled over for the first time from your tummy to your back. Just before your two month birthday, you added rolling from back to front to your repertoire. You started crawling at five months, and finally got good at walking a few weeks ago. Now, you're everywhere all the time and keep me on my toes!

You enjoy acting like a "big girl." You walk around, eat mostly big people food, and act like you know exactly what we're talking about when we have a conversation. Most of the time, you'd rather run around a play than be held. However, when it's time to nurse, you revert back to your baby girl self and love to have some warm milk and a good snuggle with mommy. This time is precious to me, and I'm so thankful we made it all the way to your first birthday with breastfeeding. It's been good for both of us, and I think we'll keep it up for a while yet.

Becoming a mommy has made my world a more beautiful place. Your sweet (seven-toothed) smile lights up my life. Even though I don't usually know what you're saying, I enjoy your conversation so much. I love how you've become my little buddy since you started walking. You follow me around and want to do everything I do. You try to be helpful, and it's absolutely adorable. You're especially interested in helping me with the dishwasher. I've tried to teach you to help with folding laundry, but you take things out of the pile I point to instead of adding the newly folded item most of the time. We have a great time together--I wouldn't trade staying home with you for anything.

Katie, you are truly one of God's most precious gifts to me. May He give you many more years, and may He continue to grow and develop you that you may be used mightily in the advancement of His Kingdom. I love you more than I can say, my sweet girl.

Love with all my heart,

This post is linked to Finer Things Friday and Your Life, Your Blog.


  1. How sweet. She will cherish this for years to come!

  2. Happy Birthday Katie! :)
    Mary Jo, your daughter is precious! I enjoyed reading the letter you wrote to her... So touching.
    May the Lord bless you today and always!

    Many Blessings,

  3. This is a beautiful letter to Katie! How precious! Reading your thoughts on your first year of motherhood makes me even more excited about becoming a mommy in a few short weeks!! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating Katie's birthday!!

  4. Happy birthday, dear Katie!


  5. Oh.. Mary Jo. This has brought tears to my eyes. You were our gift from God to us. He is soooo good! Love you so much. Mom

  6. What a heartfelt letter..happy birthday to your Katie!

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet Katie! I remember your twitter updates when she was born. :)
