Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Blogging Goals

My goal in starting this blog was to be an encouragement to other wives and mothers, as well as keep a record for myself of our family life, and to eventually turn my blog into a business (I'd really like to have a bookstore eventually, but that's a ways off). I have set some specific goals for 2010 to further accomplish my original goals.

::Use more pictures. I really enjoy reading blogs with lots of pictures, so I'm sure my readers would enjoy that as well. I am the worst about remembering to photograph anything! But, this year, I am purposing to include a photo with the recipes I post, and more photos in general.

::Post more about our family life. This is more for my own sake than anyone else's (besides maybe my parents in Florida who miss their granddaughter so much!). I am planning to more frequently post about events in our life with photos, especially of my ever-growing and changing baby girl (over 10 months already--where has the time gone?)! I want to remember this precious season of life.

::Set time limits. My calling in life is to glorify my Savior by being a godly wife and mother and keeping my home with excellence. It is all too easy to waste away time at the computer to the neglect of what ought to be higher priorities. In making a workable schedule for myself in the coming weeks, I am going to schedule in time for internet "stuff", and when the time is up, I'm off!

::Link more. There are a lot of excellent blogs out there with a lot of wonderful, encouraging content. So often I read a post I know my readers would really enjoy. I am hoping to begin linking to them more liberally. In addition to my readers enjoying them, I would love to send some extra traffic to my bloggy friends. :) In addition to linking more, I want to more frequently leave productive comments on the blogs I read often (speaking of which, if you have a blog leave me a link, as I'd love to get to "know" my readers better!).

::Plan ahead. I want to take some time at the beginning of each week to plan my posts for the coming week, and to write ahead some if I have opportunity. That way, I consistently have quality content coming up and hopefully save myself some time. I'm sure there will be some posts written off the "cuff of my sleeve" still, though. ;)

(Edited to add)::Build readership. Specifically, I would love to be averaging at least 500 visitors per day by the end of the year. I'm not entirely sure if this is realistic or not, but I guess we'll see!

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    1. I'm visiting from Savvy Blogging; so nice to "meet" you! You have a beautiful daughter (although I'm partial to girls, since I have two of them!) I enjoyed reading your goals and really like the name of your blog. You can find me at Girls to Grow - - and I look forward to reading your blog more in the future. Happy New Year!

    2. Your goals are terrific. I love your blog header! Many Blessings!

    3. I think all of your goals are great!

    4. Visiting from twitter as well :) Those look like great goals! I always get inspired by seeing other people's goals :)

    5. I love your goals... some being the same as mine!!! I came from diapers diaries... so was reading different posts of yours. And I too had blogged on xanga first.:) And a few other blogs, but now have started another one with goals of reaching out and being an encouragement to other Mom's. I am not a veteran Mom in any sense, but wanna keep record of all God is teaching me and things I'm learning as I raise 3 boys. Blessings to you as you blog!!

    6. Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
