Friday, January 8, 2010

Run2Win Women's Conference

Lord willing, Katie and I will be flying down to Florida this coming Wednesday so we (I) can go to the women's conference at the church we went to before we moved (the one my parents still go to). This will be the third year the conference is held. Two years ago, we were two months away from being engaged. Last year, we were one month shy of having my baby. And this year, my almost-11-month old will be at the conference with me. :) How life has changed in such a relatively short span of time!

Susan Heck will be the speaker, and she is one of my absolute favorite women in the entire world (seriously!). In fact, I want to be like her when I grow up. ;) I have gotten to know her at the past conferences, and we have emailed back and forth several times as well (and, you can look for a guest post from her here in the coming months!). She is a pastor's wife. Their children are all grown, and her life is now devoted to fulfilling her Scriptural calling as an older woman to teach younger women. Not to mention, she has written two wonderful books and has almost the entire New Testament (and large portions of the Old Testament) memorized! The past two years, I have come away encouraged and convicted, and I expect this year to be the same.

Though I'm going to miss Ben terribly , I am getting excited about our trip. In addition to the conference, I am definitely looking forward to catching up with wonderful, godly friends and spending some extra time with my amazing parents. The only thing that can possibly make the trip to Florida better (besides Ben being there--a given!) is that it's practically free! My Dad was kind enough to use some of his Southwest Airlines points and our roundtrip was paid for in full, besides $5 in taxes. I'm just hoping Katie doesn't get whatever I've had the last couple days. I've never traveled with a sick baby before, but I can imagine it would put a slight damper on things!

As a side, if you are in the Central Florida area and are interested in attending the conference, you can register on their Calendar of Events page on

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  1. We are looking forward to having you and Katie here for a few days:) Love you bunches. Mom

  2. Sounds like a lovely woman and an uplifting conference. Enjoy the gift!
