Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inflatable Duck Bathtub

I was given this inflatable duck bathtub by a lady from church at my baby shower before Katie was born. It ended up in the back of the cabinet in Katie's room and I forgot about it until after we moved to Virginia. That was fine, because Katie couldn't really sit up on her own until then anyway. The first time I put her in it, she cried. I guess it scared her. But eventually, the cute little yellow quacking (yes, on ours, if you squeeze the beek, it quacks) fellow rubbed off on her and now she loves it.

It has some nice features. A circle at the bottom that says "HOT" if the water is too warm. Though, I find its temperature preferences to be much lower than necessary.The other benefit is its portability. It deflates quickly, and blowing it up by mouth doesn't make you completely lightheaded. ;)

But, it has become much more than just a bathtub. Katie plays happily in it in the bathroom while I take a shower. And, she doesn't try to escape even though she definitely could. Of course, there's a bit of peek-a-boo and frequent checking on her. But, so far so good. Its other use? Promise not to laugh? What to do with baby while you go to the bathroom and there's no one home to watch her? It works out quite well. ;)

When I received this tub, I thought it was cute but a little silly. But, really? It was a great gift and has worked out really well for us. Thanks, Rose! :)

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  1. I think it's absolutely adorable. I remember how your cousin David's children enjoyed one just like it.

  2. I've received things like this as well and been pleasantly surprised at their entertainment value.

    I have a daughter a little older than yours, and a stay-at-home mom and also believe that it is only by HIS grace alone we are anything.

    I just started to read and review The Power of a Praying Parent on my blog today, and I have already been so challenged. One of the tips was to make a personalized list for each of your children, and another was to host a prayer group once or twice a year and pray specifically for children. Anyway, I'd love to have you visit sometime.

  3. I love those inflatable tubs. We used ours quite a bit with all 3 of our children. Ours was not in the shape of a duck, unfortunately, but my friend had that one, and I loved how it quacked!

  4. Visiting from TILT! We had one of those too & I honestly thought the same at first. But I used it with both children & it really worked out great!!

  5. Super cute!! I have never seen one of these. Thanks for participating in Things I Love Thursday.
